Customs Brokerage in Boston, MA
Import Your Goods, Clear Customs, and Get Fulfillment
Customs brokerage is a crucial element of doing business overseas, no matter the industry. A licensed customs broker can help navigate the complex waters of tariff classification, valuation, duty, tax recovery and product specific requirements. At Bruning International, we’ve been assisting corporations, universities, and other organizations to streamline the process of importing and exporting their products worldwide.
With over 150 offices worldwide in 67 cities across 48 countries, we’ve spent nearly 40 years establishing relationships with shipping agencies all over the world. Our expertise is matched only by our care for the client and dedication to service.
Customs Clearance
RLF (Remote Locations Filing)
Customs Surety Bond
Pre-Classification / Binding Rulings
Consular Legalization
766 Rejections, reconditioning request
Private Lab Analysis
HACCP for Importers Consultation
USDA & Dept of Commerce Services
License and Permit Applications
Inspections & Scheduling
Permits & Certificates
Assist in Obtaining Import and Export Permits
Certificates of Origins
NAFTA Certificates
Foreign Permits